We represent and recommend for all teachers, principals and support staff busy in government schools, hasty childhood, cafe, disability and adult education. As the Victorian branch of the Australian Education Union, we are elated to represent more than 50,00 members. A space for fresh teachers, student teachers and graduate members to get involved in EU activities and campaigns, receive support, advice and professional development in your new career, and share your experiences and ideas. EU Victoria's Branch Council is made up of 120 members from all sectors and all regions of Victoria, elected by their workplace colleagues to represent member interests and guide the union's activities. When you’re a teacher, there's a lot of collegiate support, but as a principal at a trivial school, I don't have an assistant principal or a leadership team to talk with. At EU Victoria, our members make us who we are. We are as diverse, spirited and multitalented as the nearly 50,00 members we represent, including principals, education encourage staff and teachers busy in public schools, premature childhood, cafe, James, and disability services. Meredith is very interested in ideas relating to leadership. In his stylish role as deputy president of EU Victoria, Justin loves winning difficult fought campaigns on behalf of members one of Justin’s proudest moments was when the EU defeated the government on performance pay. After only two years of teaching she took on a subbranch president role. Erin has a passion for industrial relations, but she is particularly inspired by helping EU members get active. Greg has been a union member since he was a 16 year worn active on a building site. Both her parents were strong union members, and when Bailey started teaching in 2003, she joined the EU straight away. Mariano says the biggest issue facing EU members in inferior schools is workload. For Mariano, these wins for individual members are incredibly crucial for teachers and staff, and for the subbranch. Overhead all, she would love to see a statewide agreement for Disability members, with funding from government to maintain conditions. She grew up in a mighty union family her dad was a union official. Activism, advocacy, and leadership play a strong segment in Cara’s vision for hasty childhood educators. Cara wants to assist preservice teachers grasp their spontaneous leadership role, with encourage from mentors and by making safe university qualifications for hasty childhood teachers include leadership, activism and advocacy as an essential part of learning. And, of course, the best way is through being an EU member. For many people, it is not until they unite a union that they understand how there is power in numbers and why it is important. The Australian Education Union represents and advocates for teachers, principals and education urge staff occupied in public education in schools, hasty childhood, cafe and adult education. The Member Support center Officer works as portion of the Member Promote center (MC) and provides industrial advice and assistance to individual members and workplace representatives of the union.
Its first platform includes equal pay for women teachers. Splits soon thrive and it will be 109 years earlier educators are again united in one union. It also seeks equal pay and improved funding, and builds an international presence. Married women teachers benefit their own pension fund. Victorian women teachers prevail equal pay (phased in over three years) after mass campaign by unions. Teachers secure control of entry behind a six year campaign by unions against employment of unqualified teachers in schools. Married women teachers triumph correct to unite the teachers' superannuation fund. First industrial Agreement sets limits on class sizes and teaching loads for the beginning time. Victorian teacher unions win seven years unpaid family exit and the right to permanent segment time work. Over the next eight years, more than 300 schools will accessible and 8,00 teachers will be sacked, in confront of bitter opposition from unions. Launch of Education International, the global union federation representing more than 30 million educators around the world. All Victorian school employees finally united as education urge staff prevail the right to join the EU, fulfilling a lengthy held union goal. The Bennett Liberal government is voted out. EU preschool members secure pay parity with school teachers and succeed paid maternity leave for the beginning time. 15,00 EU members turn out for EU’s biggest rally ever, and the beginning rally to unite education support staff, teachers and principals in action. School teachers Teacher pay conditions.
It’s our job to make sure you attain your professional goals by supporting you with our incredible in house services. There is no problem too huge or too trivial for our Member Support center. Whether you want to check your pay scale, aren’t sure about what exit you’re entitled to, or want advice about how to get off that contract and into an ongoing position the MC can assist. With an in depth accepting of your agreements, the Education Department, and issues affecting all educators, our MC officers can give you definite and accessible information and feasible solutions. Are you in the midst of an surplus staffing situation? If necessary, we also provide free, comprehensive legal support and representation. We can refer you to one of our industrial officers, who are all suited lawyers, if you require more specialist legal assistance. We’ve got a powerful history of improving conditions for our members, like our historic win of up to 45 more pay for disability workers, or pay parity for hasty childhood teachers and school teachers, or stopping cafe teaching loads from being increased from 800 hours to 1200 hours. We know that many of you are concerned about the insecurity of short term contracts, and you're increasing and extravagant workload. It’s urgent for us to consult with you to find out what the most pressing issues are that’s why we invite logofclaims submissions, confront regularly with subbranches, and last year completed Australia’s biggest ever workload survey with more than 19,00 responses. We represent you when it comes to massive picture advocacy winning over politicians, policy makers and voters to promote public education with our strong state and federal campaigns. Election day polls showed the I Present a Gonski campaign made public education a key issue for voters at the final federal election, and impacted on the election outcome. We’ve crafted a range of professional development opportunities targeted at your needs. We’ve got training to suit you, as healthy as conferences, networking events and online seminars. Find out what’s happening in the education community, read members’ stories, and be entertained by our more irreverent columns! EU Victoria can yield disaster financial assistance to encourage vogue financial members who have experienced sudden and significant loss with respect to their primary residence from community affected automatic disasters. This earnings is available notwithstanding any other insurance or compensation and applies where a instinctive disaster has impacted on a member and their community. It is not pertinent to secluded household or personal events that only affect the member and their family. The skills, experience and qualifications of professionals active in disability services have been undervalued for too lengthy but the EU recognizes your professionalism and campaigns solid to improve your working life. Some of our imperative advances for disability members include: Establishing a busy party with zenith employers to discuss developing a MultiEnterprise Agreement for all employees. We have many campaigns quiet to prevail so unite us and become part of the growing power of the EU. In the disability services, they include:.
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