womb International Ltd, will actively seek to enrich the union between husband and wife for their mutual profit by giving them knowledge of the Billings Ovulation Method that they can use to develop love and fidelity within the marriage. Knowledge about fertility regulation, using the Billings Ovulation Method, will be directed at: helping couples who wish to have children. Helping women to understand their fertility and to monitor their reproductive health. womb International Ltd aims to impart to men the knowledge necessary to exercise a supportive and collaborative role in the application of the Billings Ovulation Method. Since then he has been an ardent supporter of the Billings Ovulation Method. It seeks to aid those couples who have problems in the regulation of their fertility, either difficulty in begetting children of their own, or difficulty in limiting the size of their family. In marriage, responsible sexuality demands the fidelity of husband and wife to each other, which promotes a happy, healthy, satisfying relationship established upon mutual love and the treasuring of the gift of their optional sexuality. By virtue of its persuade in advancing the happiness and security of family life and by protecting reproductive health, Automatic Fertility Regulation makes a prized contribution to society. This Method finds acceptance in all cultures and religions, including Christianity as expressed in the writings of humane Vitae (Human Life) and in some of the writings of Islam. It is an expression of the Spontaneous Law as written in all human hearts. Together with the Executive Directors, a further nine persons formed the International Board, which had an advisory role: The Billings Ovulation Method is a Method which empowers women, through knowledge of their patterns of fertility and infertility and the time of ovulation, to accomplish or recess pregnancy and to monitor their reproductive health. Her particular interest recently has been the development of the Fertility Pinpoint charting app which is proving to be very popular both in Australia and overseas and is being further developed as an online teaching tool. She is passionate about ensuring that all Billings Ovulation Method teachers have the aptitude to expand their knowledge and skills to ensure that the genuine Billings Ovulation Method is offered to all. Marian is currently the Chair of the womb Board of Directors. Marie has a strong interest in the spread of real training and materials, developed through her experience working with the DPs Billings through a decade of trips to China as the precede Billings Ovulation Method trainer. With Marian Cork ill she has traveled extensively training and up killing teachers throughout the world. She was involved in the development of the Ovarian Hormone Monitor and it was through this work that she became involved in the Billings Ovulation Method and subsequently trained as a teacher. Gillian worked on developing the curricula for the advanced training for Billings Ovulation Method teachers and is involved in the ongoing development of programs and PowerPoint presentations for training both teachers and medical professionals. She has traveled to China, Pakistan and the USA to conduct teacher training programs and speak at Conferences. He has also completed post graduate studies in medical education and ethics. He has a notable interest in using the woman’s chart as a diagnostic tool and corresponds with Professor pilaf Vigil portables in Chile about hormonal levels and endocrine abnormalities. She works with the Hispanic community in Chicago teaching the Billings Ovulation Method. He has strengthened the bond between womb International and Billings Argentina, through active participation in maximum of wombs initiatives, focused on Spanish speaking countries and couples: translation of real materials for training, including the website, teaching the Billings Ovulation Method through the internet, Billings Ovulation Method correspondence course, bulletin etc.
History and Charter of womb International Inc. font size reduce font size enlarge font size. The ingenious entity consisted of an istrative Board of four Executive Directors: Together with the Executive Directors, a further nine persons formed the International Board, which had an advisory role: In addition, General Members of womb International Inc were those persons, firms, corporations or associations who, in the opinion of the Directors, (were) committed to the purposes, aims and objectives of the corporation, having actively demonstrated their support and performed services for the corporation warranting their appointment. Their distinguished contribution is acknowledged with gratitude.
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